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Via Marco Biagi 20, Italy



AWTM performs UT and EC inspections using contact technique, PE (Pulse Echo) and PA (Phased Array), in order to highlight indications on the components under examination (Railway Mounted Parts) and allow qualified personnel to assess their conformity.
The purpose of the UT test with the AWTM system is to seek damage to the component surface that jeopardizes its functionality and consequently its safety during operation.
Such damage can be fatigue cracks.
These cracks, as a result of operating stresses, can propagate up to eventually causing the breaking of the component.
The checks will be carried out on the following components:
– Axles: triggering of circumferential cracks (transverse cracks)
– Wheels: detachments of material on the edge and triggers of cracks at the joints between the rolling surface-external face of the wheel and the external face of the external wheel-leaf.
Conformity according the following norms and standards:
– UNI EN ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk assessment and risk reduction
– EN ISO 13849-1:2015 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design
– EN ISO 13849-2:2012 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 2: Validation
– EN ISO 13850:2015 Safety of machinery – Emergency stop function – Principles for design
– EN 1037:1995 + A1:2008 Safety of machinery – Prevention of unexpected start
– EN 60204-1:2006 +A1:2009 +AC:2010 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements (IEC 44/709/CDV:2014)
– EN 55011 Industrial, scientific and medical equipment- Radio frequency disturbance characteristics Limits and methods of measurement