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Via Marco Biagi 20, Italy



Designed to be able to do ultrasonic tests of aircraft components.
Eight controlled and motorized axes: Rotary Table, KUKA robot and sliding rail for KUKA robot.
Hydraulic system: recirculation and filtering system of the tank water and element to regulate the squirters units.
UTS-2500R electrical cabinet and KUKA electrical cabinet (external from the main body).
Precision, multi-channel ultrasonic testing instrument USIP 40 GE.
Probes that can work at the same time.
Aluminum profiles table located in the tank to supports the immersion test pieces.
Main structure made by electrowelded mechanical pipes.
Two squirters and immersion probes support elements.
Two stainless steel supports are mounted on the rotary table for the cylindrical parts test.
Tank internal dimensions: 2700x1300x1000 mm.
System total dimensions: 6000x4000x2500 mm.
Computer control station for the data acquisition and analysis.
External monitor for the operator control of the scan process.
EXAMINER AERO software with an easy and fast interface that permits the operator to manage the scan process and the acquired data.
The software offers different scan process typologies.